The Haunted Cromwell

Posted by junketseo in Las Vegas Ghost Tours
The Haunted Cromwell - Photo

The Cromwell, a boutique hotel and casino located on the bustling Las Vegas Strip, is renowned for its luxury and modern amenities. However, beneath its glamorous façade lies a history steeped in mystery and paranormal activity. Over the years, numerous guests and employees have reported strange occurrences, unexplained noises, and ghostly sightings, earning The Cromwell a reputation as one of Las Vegas’s most haunted locations.


Why is The Cromwell haunted?


The origins of the hauntings at The Cromwell can be traced back to the early days of the Barbary Coast Hotel and Casino. Read on to learn about the tragedies that turned this posh hotel into one of Vegas’s most haunted. Want to see some of these locations in person? Book a Las Vegas ghost tour with Vegas Ghosts!


The Cromwell


The site where The Cromwell now stands has a rich and tumultuous history that dates back several decades. Originally, this location was home to the Barbary Coast Hotel and Casino, which opened its doors in 1979. The Barbary Coast operated successfully for many years, becoming a popular destination for both tourists and locals.

In 2007, the Barbary Coast was sold and rebranded as Bill’s Gamblin’ Hall and Saloon. This incarnation of the property continued to attract visitors, but the venue’s popularity began to wane over time. In 2013, the property underwent a significant transformation, emerging as The Cromwell, a chic and sophisticated boutique hotel and casino. Despite the extensive renovations and new identity, the ghosts of the past seem to linger within its walls.


The Casino That Tragedy Built


During its operation, several tragic events and mysterious deaths occurred on the property, which some believe have contributed to the ghostly activity experienced today. The most notable incidents include a series of suicides, accidental deaths, and violent altercations that left a lasting mark on the hotel’s history.

One of the most tragic stories involves a young woman who reportedly took her own life in one of the hotel’s rooms. Guests and staff have frequently reported seeing the apparition of a woman dressed in 1970s attire wandering the halls, her presence often accompanied by a sense of sadness and despair. Some believe that she is the spirit of the young woman who died tragically, forever trapped in the place where she spent her final moments.

Another story involves a violent altercation that occurred in the casino, resulting in the death of a patron. Witnesses claim to have seen the ghostly figure of a man in period clothing roaming the casino floor as if reliving the final moments of his life. This restless spirit is said to be responsible for the cold spots and sudden drops in temperature experienced by those who encounter him.


Hauntings at The Cromwell

The Cromwell is rife with accounts of unexplained activity and reports from guests and employees. These experiences range from strange noises and unexplained movements to full-body apparitions and otherworldly encounters.

One of the most common reports involves sightings of ghostly apparitions throughout the hotel and casino. Guests have described seeing shadowy figures in their rooms, often standing at the foot of the bed or moving across the room. These apparitions are frequently accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of unease or being watched.

In the casino, patrons and staff have reported seeing the ghostly figure of a man dressed in old-fashioned clothing wandering the floor and disappearing into thin air. This apparition is believed to be the spirit of the man who met a violent end during an altercation, his restless soul unable to find peace.

Another common phenomenon at The Cromwell involves unexplained noises and movements. Guests have reported hearing footsteps in empty hallways, doors opening and closing on their own, and disembodied voices whispering in the night. These sounds are often heard in the early hours of the morning when the hotel is quiet and still.

Some guests have experienced objects moving on their own, such as lamps turning on and off, furniture shifting, and personal belongings being rearranged. These occurrences are typically accompanied by an eerie feeling of being watched or a sudden drop in temperature.

Many visitors to The Cromwell have reported sudden and unexplained drops in temperature, particularly in certain areas of the hotel and casino. These cold spots are often associated with the presence of spirits, as ghostly entities are believed to draw energy from their surroundings, causing the temperature to drop.

Guests have described feeling a sudden chill in the air, even in the height of summer, and noticing their breath becoming visible in the cold. These temperature changes are often accompanied by a feeling of unease or dread as if something unseen is watching or following them.


More Hauntings at The Cromwell


Electronic disturbances are another common occurrence at The Cromwell. Guests have reported issues with their electronic devices, such as phones, cameras, and televisions, malfunctioning or turning on and off by themselves. One particularly unsettling account involves a guest who claimed their phone began playing a song from the 1970s on its own, despite the device being turned off.

Many visitors to The Cromwell have described an overwhelming feeling of unease or dread during their stay. This sensation is often experienced in specific areas of the hotel, such as the hallways, stairwells, and certain rooms. Guests have reported feeling as if they are being watched or followed, with some even describing the sensation of an unseen presence brushing against them.

These feelings of unease are often accompanied by physical symptoms, such as chills, nausea, and headaches. Some guests have been so disturbed by their experiences that they have requested to change rooms or check out early, unable to shake the sense of dread that haunts them.


Haunted Las Vegas


The Cromwell in Las Vegas is a place where luxury and the otherworldly coexist. Its rich history, marked by tragic events and mysterious deaths, has left a lasting impression on the property, resulting in numerous reports of unexplained activity. From ghostly apparitions and unexplained noises to cold spots and electronic disturbances, the hauntings at The Cromwell continue to intrigue and terrify those who visit.

Check out our blog to learn more about Las Vegas’s most sinister hotspots. To see some of these locations in person, book a Las Vegas ghost tour with Vegas Ghosts!



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The Cromwell Ghost Tour